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Pitfighter's Gull

Unique Ring

925 Item Power

  • +12.5% Shadow Resistance
  • +12.5% Resistance to All Elements
  • Casting Smoke Grenade increases your Critical Strike Damage by 33%[x] for 3 seconds and leaves behind a cloud of shadows. While within the cloud, you gain Stealth once per second.
  • +308% Damage on Next Attack After Entering Stealth
  • +8% Critical Strike Chance
  • 18.5% Smoke Grenade Cooldown Reduction
  • +1 to Mending Obscurity

"Ploughin' told you already! Hidden weapons are out – Yes, especially grenades! Behave yourself, or Morrick will skin you lot."- Purveyor of the Gea Kul fighting pits, on the eve of Morrick's murder